Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Now at bat....try # 8

Well, we went in this morning for our eigth try at IUI. Took last month off due to a nectarine sized cyst on my left ovary. Started stims last Saturday and the RE office finally did not try to tigger me onthe 10th day. We waited until day 13. Yesterday, the ultrasound revealed that I had 4 really nice follicles and they triggered me yesterday. we went i nthis morning and after the 45 minute waitin the waiting room, the whole deal was done inside of 15 minutes. I am to start progesterone again on the 27th and then 8/8 for blood test to see if we are or not.

This may be our last shot as CC has decided for wahatever reason that she will not help us out financially. She is sending 1/6th of what we actually need but that doesn't realy help much. i don't know what her issue with me is. I feel like I am somethig she would like to scrape off the bottom of her shoe.

Found out that there is an egg donation program within a hour of here. If I donated my eggs, the recipient will pay for all IVF and meds. We split whatever the number of eggs there are and I am only responsible for about 1K. There is also the possibility that we can ICSI. That would be a dream come true.

So once again, we wiat the two excruciating weeks to find out. It feels like the quest for baby is driving every aspect of my life.