Friday, June 22, 2007

15 Weeks and fluttering.

Saw Dr. H, my regular OB/GYN on Wednesday. I am measuring 20 weeks in size. Just think, that is half way for a singleton pregnancy. It was a quick scan and they look amazing (sorry, no pics this time). I am so used to doing trans vaginal ultrasounds, it is kind of nice to be on a table with my pants up and only have my belly showing. I have lost all modesty at this point. They were bouncing around and waving their arms (with really long fingers).

Last night laying in bed, I felt a little flutter near my belly button. I think it was in response to hubby putting his head on my belly to see what he could here. The only thing he said he could hear was a fart (bubbles from drinking water all day)... that got us both laughing. I think I woke the kids up and that was their protest. It was very cool. Also, I finally got to hear the heartbeats. I don't know how this got missed at our other appointments. They were both right around 145-150 beats per minute.

I also made all of my perinatal and genetic counseling appointments (at least the one's I can schedule) today. The receptionist / nurse laughed because we scheduled into November. She reminded me that with a twin pregnancy "You never know". At least, I am trying to plan ahead....

Hubby is taking next Friday off for my next fetal scan in Abington. I wasn't crazy about their office when I went the beginning of the month so I will be going to one of the "outer hospitals" for the remainder. It is a lot closer to home (20 minutes versus 45 without traffic) and you don't have to pay for parking. I hate parking garages. I guess it just reminds me of all of the time I spent flying around when I was training software and getting back into town trying to remember where I parked. I have lost hours of my life at LGA and Kennedy airports.

Also, I am getting winded doing the smallest things. I can make it down the stairs, but going up seems to leave me short of breath and my heart pounding. It is all normal. Wow....this is going to be a long few months.

Hubby is on his way home, should go put the doggies out to greet their daddy.....


Anonymous said...

I was winded with just the one in me, I can imagine two would be much worse :)

Good news so far. X