Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Not the best way to end

Well, we ended up without a fertilized egg. I feel devastated. I really didn't move around too much on Saturday, except for the crying and staring off into space. Sunday morning at 3 am, I developed the worst abdominal cramps I have ever had. I went downstairs and tried to sleep but to no avail. It was like getting hit in the gut with a baseball bat. I put up with it, tried to drink fluids and eat small meals, but everything hurt. I went to bed around 7 and was able to get to sleep, only to have hubby roll into me in bed and that brought me to tears. He didn't hit my back too hard, but everything from my ribs to my hips hurt.
When I got up on Monday, I called the Super RE's office. They wanted me to be seen to rule out overstimulation. I thought that it was strange because I only had 4 follicles but they are the experts. My symptoms did look like it was OHSS.
So hubby and I drive to NJ to be seen. Every bump on the road was torture. We finally arrive at the office and spend the next 3 1/2 hours being evaluated only to be told that we need to go the ER to rule out a bowel perforation or obstruction. I am not a doctor, but have seen enough obstructions in animals to know that I was NOT obstructed. Dr. A called the ER at Cooper University Hospital to let them know I was on my way. She told me that I don't have s surgical belly right now, but it warranted further investigation. So, I explain this to hubby. He is not driving into Camden at night. No question in his mind. It was just not going to happen.
I tried to explain this fact to Dr. A, but I don't think she understood. We live in PA, an hour and a half from the office. The only reason we cross the river is to come to their office. I am good at navigating roads and maps, but when one cannot sit up, one cannot try to explain to hubby (from Northern Midwest State and years of military stubbornness) how to get to point B. I told Dr. A that we would go to our hospital in PA. She replied with her displeasure, since sh did not have privileges at that hospital and she would not be able to visit me. Well, I was not planning on being admitted. I am not, nor have I ever been, a "good" patient. I simply know too much about what is happening vs. what is supposed to happen.
So, we arrive at out hospital at 7:30 pm. I am immediately rushed to the back.. I felt bad for hubby since he only got 4 pages into the Reader's Digest from September 2004 that was in the waiting room. He seemed disappointed.
I was but into sub-acute room 511 (my new name). I love the HIPPA regulations. I have always hated the objectification of the illness over the patient, but have now been reduced to a room number. And the medical profession wonders how mistakes happen.
Everyone was nice to me and seemed to really be on the ball. That all stopped shortly after the shift change. I had blood work, urinalysis, blood pressure tilt test, ultrasounds, x-rays, and a cat scan. I also had dilaudid. That was the highlight of the visit. I couldn't look out in the hall because the ceiling tiles kept on moving, but it did take the edge off the severe cramping.
Everything seemed normal when the finally let me go home at 5:30 am. I do have some ovarian cysts, but they think that the cramping is due to a viral infection. Several female patients all presented at the same time with the same symptoms, the only difference is that the others were all pregnant. they all had been seen in the past few days at the ob/gyn office. So, I go home and pass out, with no answers and minimal relief. They offered to admit me, but at that point, I just wanted my bed and the IV out of my arm. I have to go back the Super RE's office tomorrow for a follow up and to find out when I am allowed to return to work.
No appetite, still swollen belly, sick of anti-biotics, ready to curl up and sleep for a month. The whole time we were in the ER, all I could think is that we were supposed to have the embryo retrieval and be on our way to babyville.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Eggs to Egg

When all was said and done, they were able to retrieve one egg. Not sure what happened. Heck, I could have just produced and egg on my own and saved $1000 on meds this month.

The embryologist will call in the morning.

Kind of feel like we don't have a back up plan if the worst happens.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Here goes something ?

Well, they just called with final blood values from this morning.

Did I mention how sore my arms are?

Did I mention how sore my tummy is from all the needles?

Estriadol is 602

Progesterone is 1.1

LH is 3

FSH is 10

the HCG beta was 97.

All the numbers look good and we are confirmed for tomorrow at 8:30 AM for egg retrieval. Thank God I will be asleep for the procedure because I'm not sure that I would have the nerve to do this with out some kind of pharmaceutical assistance.

Not sure if I will be up to posting tomorrow, but we'll see.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Day #9



Estriadol 242 ( a little lower than yesterday)

Progesterone 1.2

LH 2



2 Mature follicles : a 21(L) and 24 (R)

Also, 2 smaller on the left (12 and 10) but they should continue to grow even though we are triggering ovulation tonight with HCG.

We have to do the injection at 11:45 tonight. I hope I can stay awake that late. I still do my 3 bravelle tonight.

I have to have more blood drawn in the morning and we are scheduled for Friday morning at 8:30 am for the egg retrieval. I'm supposed to drink alot of water tomorrow, which is not a big deal. I am a big water drinker anyway. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight (normal) and we are to bring $500 cash or money order for the anesthesia (not covered by insurance).

Getting excited. Hoping for 4 good eggs!!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day 8

Well, a pretty routine trip for blood work and ultrasound this morning. Some mean phlebotomist, didn't say a word to me. Had the nice ultrasonographer.

The right side is up to a 20 and one the left, we have

2 17's, 1 16, 1 13 and 2 12's!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!

Yes, that is 6. Now, we just need the 12's and 13's to get a little bit bigger to be viable.

She said something about Thursday for retrieval but we have to wait and see what the blood work shows. I continue with the 3 vials of Bravelle and 1 vial of Centrotide.

On Centrotide....HOLY CRAP, that stuff stings like crazy. I had a huge welt on my tummy and literally couldn't button my pants for about an hour. I injected just below the navel and WOW..... I consider myself to be pretty tough when it comes to taking the shots, but that one nearly floored me.

I picked up the Rx for Medrol (which the nurses did not specify as to be filled generically, duh!!!) and a generic z-pack (antibiotic) for the retrieval. Not sure when I am supposed to start them but I am sure someone will let me know.

So, I wait for blood work results and instructions.... happy Mardi Gras!!!
Post script: 6:05 PM
Blood work results:
Estriadol: 261
Progesterone: .7
LH : 2
FSH: 7
More blood work and another ultrasound tomorrow, but in New Jersey as Melrose has no appointments available. I am to continue with the Bravelle (just stabbed) and the Centrotide (the Stinger).
They will probably have me do the HCG tomorrow night and then retrieval on Friday. I am sure that they won't take the smaller, underdeveloped ones, so we may get 3 out of this. Hubby and I have decided to try to implant 2. I was really hoping to have more to freeze (just in case).
It is was it is, I guess.

Report from Day #7

Estriadol was 169
Progesterone 0.7
LH 3

right size had an 18, left side, were not sure of because "someone" forgot to fax over the ultrasound to the other office........

Monday, February 19, 2007


Saturday's Phlebotomist....

Throw me a frigging bone.......

Dateline: Melrose Park, Ultrasonographer stabbed with probe for being at 11.

Okay, so I don't know what the deal is with Super RE's Melrose office. I didn't realize that there was going to be a quiz given by the ultrasound tech regarding how much Bravelle, what cycle day I started it, Ummmm, those things are usually found in the

C H A R T!!!

I am sitting on the table, naked from the waist down, and she is quizzing me. Read the frigging' chart......

Oh wait, it's in NJ. How we can possibly provide quality patient care when we don't even have the chart in the STATE..

Oh, I have an 18 on the right and "a couple of small ones" one the left. Ummmmm, well, there were three on the left on Saturday and now it's a "couple of small ones". Did she once think that they might have an inferiority complex? What did they do, melt? To me, a couple is 2, a few is 3+. Am I wrong on this one?

So, then I get bloods drawn. Mind you, I am still bruised from Saturday with the Russian stabber (looks like a crack Ho barbie but with blond hair). We have to fill out these stupid forms, so I take a couple extra (so I can fill them out in advance since I don't actually have my insurance card memorized) and put them in my purse. Well, Little Miss Sunshine, the phlebotomist makes a big deal about how "people aren't supposed to take them home". Ok....why?

Wait for it....



Bravelle is $78 per VIAL, lady!!!!!!

I'll make a deal, I'll buy the forms, if you buy my meds.
I am paying out of pocket for this cycle and how dare I try to be organized.

Please do keep in mind that the office is located in a HUGE mansion with 26 bedrooms and every piece of tacky, huge furniture this side of the Mississippi.

Feeling very frustrated at the moment....

Will post again when the lovely nursed call me this afternoon.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day # 6

Well, the trip over to NJ was uneventful. I only had to wait about 5 minutes to have my blood drawn. I took my seat in the very busy waiting room after signing in for my ultrasound.

I have one decent sized follicle on the right, which is a 14 (not sure what the actual unit of measure is) and a bunch of smaller ones. One the left, i have a 12 and two 10's, and again a bunch of smaller ones. I feel pretty encouraged. I come home and putter around the house for a while.

I get the call from the nursed to review my blood work. I am told that my blood work doesn't match my follicle sizes and I am to increase the Bravelle to 3 units on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Also, I am to start Centrotide (to inhibit ovulation) on Monday and have more bloods and another ultrasound done Monday morning.

So, 3 cc's of Bravelle kind of hurt last night. I am using a 30 gauge needle, which is much better than using a 22 like the other doctor had me doing. No bruising as of yet, but I am sure it will show up, it always does.

I am trying to remain calm for all of this. During a normal cycle, I ovulate on days 14-18. This is only day 6 and everything seems to be happening fast. I know that it is a side effect of stimulation.

So, another day until I get to see what is happening in Ovaryland.

Blood work results from 2/17 are as follows:
Estraidol: 88
Progesterone: 0.6
LH : 2
FSH: 5

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day # 3

Well, Carol from Super RE's office just called with my blood work and ultrasound results.

Estriadol was 58 pg/ml:
Levels on the lower end tend to be better from stimulating
Normal range: 25-75 pg/ml

Progesterone is .8
Normal is <1.5ng/ml

Lutenizing Hormone (LH) is 3mIU/ml
Normal is <7mIU/ml

Follicle Stimulating Cycle (FSH) was 3 mIU/ml
is 3 mIU/ml is normal and Often the gauge for ovarian reserve, in general under 6 is excellent

In addition, I have 12 antral follicles (sleeping follicles).

So, I will be starting my Bravelle this evening. I mix 2 powders with 1 cc of water and inject into my upper leg or my abdomen. I will do this tonight, tomorrow and on Saturday.

I have to get more bloods on Saturday (has to be drawn before 8:45 Saturday morning) in New Jersey. Then, lucky me, I get to sit around and wait until 11:30 for my ultrasound.

Normally, they don't have minimal stimulation cycles start injectables until day 5 of the cycle, but since my bloods look good and I have 12 antral, they are going to start a little early. The sooner the better.

Also, I don't think that it is fair for women to being their babies in to a RE office and flaunt them in front of a bunch of women who are trying like crazy to even become pregnant. Couldn't they hire a babysitter or something?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Cold and Icy

Well, our much anticipated and hyped Winter Storm is winding down. It was quite the adventure getting home from work last night. There is a solid sheet of ice on parked cars and it has been snowing / sleeting/ freezing rain since lunch time yesterday. The doggies can't remember where the grass is and have decided to start doing their business as soon as they get outside.

Working on cleaning up the guest room / future nursery for when Mom comes down to stay after the embryo transplant. I'm doing laundry & look like hell. I don't think that we will be travelling far from home this evening for our Valentine's Dinner. I guess a quiet picnic in the living room would be nice too.

I am not sleeping well. The last 2 weeks or so have been pretty stressful at work and with the baby stuff, my mind is constantly racing. I've downloaded some relaxation music on to the old ipod to listen too as I am attempting to fall asleep. The ear buds really hurt when you sleep on your side.

Called Super RE's billing office and paid for everything but the anesthesia for the egg retrieval. I will go in for blood and ultrasound tomorrow. Hopefully they road crews will have everything cleared and traffic won't be too bad in the morning. I really don't feel much like going off into a ditch because someone didn't bother to clean off the top of their minivan.

Dad is on his way to Pittsburgh in the midst off all of this weather for some thanks, not this little grey duck!!! I'll stay in my nice cozy house, with my nice cozy dogs, doing my nice cozy laundry waiting for my nice cozy hubby to get home from work.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A New Start

We have changed RE's and are now being seen by SuperRE in New Jersey. Dr. A was actually on the Discovery Health Channel being interviewed about an infertility case. I am not sure that I would ever do that, air my reproductive laundry, but to each her own.

Today is CD # 1. Some cramping, but that is not unusual for me. We have several corporate VP's visiting today, added stress I do not need. Didn't sleep well last night and was up before the hubby this morning.

Have to call super RE's office to schedule bloodwork and ultrasound and to finalize the billing arrangements.

Sent out the first of hopefully several emails to the females in my life. Found this to be a lot let confusing that trying to explain what is happening to the males in my life.

Today is the last day of work for me until this whole deal is complete. That is going to be very weird. SDM said it best, "K doesn't know HOW to stop".