Monday, February 19, 2007


Saturday's Phlebotomist....

Throw me a frigging bone.......

Dateline: Melrose Park, Ultrasonographer stabbed with probe for being at 11.

Okay, so I don't know what the deal is with Super RE's Melrose office. I didn't realize that there was going to be a quiz given by the ultrasound tech regarding how much Bravelle, what cycle day I started it, Ummmm, those things are usually found in the

C H A R T!!!

I am sitting on the table, naked from the waist down, and she is quizzing me. Read the frigging' chart......

Oh wait, it's in NJ. How we can possibly provide quality patient care when we don't even have the chart in the STATE..

Oh, I have an 18 on the right and "a couple of small ones" one the left. Ummmmm, well, there were three on the left on Saturday and now it's a "couple of small ones". Did she once think that they might have an inferiority complex? What did they do, melt? To me, a couple is 2, a few is 3+. Am I wrong on this one?

So, then I get bloods drawn. Mind you, I am still bruised from Saturday with the Russian stabber (looks like a crack Ho barbie but with blond hair). We have to fill out these stupid forms, so I take a couple extra (so I can fill them out in advance since I don't actually have my insurance card memorized) and put them in my purse. Well, Little Miss Sunshine, the phlebotomist makes a big deal about how "people aren't supposed to take them home". Ok....why?

Wait for it....



Bravelle is $78 per VIAL, lady!!!!!!

I'll make a deal, I'll buy the forms, if you buy my meds.
I am paying out of pocket for this cycle and how dare I try to be organized.

Please do keep in mind that the office is located in a HUGE mansion with 26 bedrooms and every piece of tacky, huge furniture this side of the Mississippi.

Feeling very frustrated at the moment....

Will post again when the lovely nursed call me this afternoon.