Thursday, April 26, 2007

7 weeks and 1 day

The nausea is all day. So much for morning sickness. The doctor thinks that it is worse because it is twins. I was really awesome to see the 2 little heart flutters. I almost cried. I go back in two weeks for another one, and Hubby will go with me. Hopefully we can hear the heartbeats then.
DID I MENTION THE EXHAUSTION!!!! I can hardly stay awake........

Belly is a little big. I feel fatter than I am. I still have quite a bit of fluid in my belly from the retrieval and my ovaries are still pretty large. It is so weird because the retrieval was more than a month ago. "Bert and Ernie" as my family calls them or "Patton and McArthur" as Hubby calls them, are just taking over everything. Hubby fell asleep with his hand on my tummy last night.

I did go out and buy some maternity clothes. My God! They are so COMFORTABLE. Everyone should wear them, all the time.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

7 week update

The top photo is both.

The center and bottom are their individual portraits....

Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday, 4/23

Well, we went to CT this weekend to suprise my dather about the twins. We were able to let everyone else know but kept the secret from him. We had a Beatles themed birthday party for him since he was turning 64.

I am feeling very tired right now. I did manage a bowl of rice krispies and so far it is staying down. We finally had some nice weather around here. I was a nice ride home and today is supposed to be even warmner. Hubby is very excited that he gets to work on the yard.

I am still not sleeping very well. I am usually a stomach sleeper and that is not very comfortable for me between the painful boobs and my belly.

So it is off to work this morning.....

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

6 week update

It's TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Beta's So Far.......

DPO Beta Doubling time
15 294 (none)
17 582 48.72 hrs
19 1377 38.63 hrs
22 4675 40.83 hrs

All Progesterone has been 160+

DPO Estriadol
15 840
17 1122
19 1401
22 1356 (not sure why that is down or if I should be concerned....)

Beta #4

Got the call this afternoon about my bloods from this morning...

HCG: 4675
Progesterone : 160+
Estriadol: 1356

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New Numbers

So, at 16dp3dt, my hcg is up to 1377. My progesterone is greater than 160 and Estriadol is 1401. I got to meet with Dr. A and she is not overly concerned with the tugging. They did an ultrasound but it is really to early for them to see anything. I am to have my blood drawn every 3 days and will go back for another follow up with Dr. A next Wednesday. She wanted to see me next Monday, but she will be in surgery all day. next Tuesday, the couldn't see me until 2:30 in the afternoon. Since I am off on Wednesday, I will go at 10:oo and just take care of everything all at once. The office in PA is closed most of next week, so it would be back and forth to NJ. I have driven nearly 300 miles since Saturday morning just going to appointments.....

In other news, my dosage of progesterone has been reduced to 200 mg twice a day. I am praying that this will help the boobs feel better.

Still waking up in the middle of the night which makes for a very long day. I am going to sincerely enjoy this Wednesday and Thursday since I am off of work. I could use the time to relax.

Dr. A told me that she had a good feeling about this pregnancy but given my history, I am no to lift or carry anything over 15 lbs, and my pregnancy must be "protected". A lot of that is me just making the decision at work that I cannot do certain things anymore. It is so hard for me. I am so used to running around and going 90 miles an hour. It is going to be a real challenge for me to turn over things to my co-workers.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Seat Belt + Crash Helmet + Snoodle = sleep?

Mom and Dad headed home yesterday. It was nice to have my house back. I got to take a nap on my couch and that just made my day. Stayed up extra late (for me) to watch the Sopranos and was slightly disappointed.

Not too much happening other wise, except for the tugging thing is now on both sides of my lower abdomen. I am considering getting one of those body pillows that forces you to sleep on your side. I guess I have a tendency to flop around in my sleep, kick hubby out of bed etc....Perhaps a seat belt in bed may help. I will wear Velcro pj bottoms, stick myself to the body pillow and strap myself in. Do you think a crash helmet is too much??? I have been waking myself up at 2 and 3 am. Cannot get comfortable to save my life........

What to do, what to do?

Off to NJ for ultrasound. Had blood drawn again this morning.....I look like a JUNKIE.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Beta had doubled in 48 hours up to 582.
Progesterone is greater than 16
Estriadol is 1,122.
have to go in for fetal ultrasound on Monday because no one can understand the weird pulling sensation that I am having in the lower left. Ia will meet with a doctor after the U/S.
Hopefuly, it's nothing.

More bloods Monday morning.


We were delighted to learn on Thursday that we got our BFP.

My hcg beta was 294. To Me it seems high for only 12dp3dt. Progesterone was 160 and Estriadol was 840. We transferred 3 embryos on the 24 of March.

I am getting ready to head out for a follow up HCG and keeping my fingers crossed.My RE's office has had more that 30 women get pregnant this month already!

This has been such a long road for us. We did 11 IUI with another office and they just seemed clueless. We finally gave up and switched to Cooper. We did an IUI in November (due to finances) and an IVF in February where I only produced 2 follicles. The one egg they were able to retrieve did not fertilize. I was devastated. We almost gave up.

This last time, we had 22 follicles and 16 eggs retrieved. 11 fertilized and we transferred three on 3/24.I am not sure if my feet have actually hit the ground yet...I know that I am still cramping. I know that I am having a hard time sleeping.

I suppose that is all normal.Ladies, just don't give up. It can happen. If this was easy, you wouldn't appreciate it as much.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

It's official


BetaHcg was 294
Progesterone is 160
Estriadol is 840

Back on Saturday for more bloods.



Well, I am off to get my bloods drawn. hoping for a BFP! Keeping every possible appendage crossed and praying very hard that we finally get our chance after the last two years of having our hearts broken every single month.

Will post results as soon as possible.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007


No signs of the dreaded Aunt Flo.

hangin in there. Some mild cramping and killer boobs ongoing.......

48 hours until beta....

praying, hoping, dreaming, sprinkling baby dust like Tinkerbell on crack.

praying for all of my friends who are in this boat with me.