Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New Numbers

So, at 16dp3dt, my hcg is up to 1377. My progesterone is greater than 160 and Estriadol is 1401. I got to meet with Dr. A and she is not overly concerned with the tugging. They did an ultrasound but it is really to early for them to see anything. I am to have my blood drawn every 3 days and will go back for another follow up with Dr. A next Wednesday. She wanted to see me next Monday, but she will be in surgery all day. next Tuesday, the couldn't see me until 2:30 in the afternoon. Since I am off on Wednesday, I will go at 10:oo and just take care of everything all at once. The office in PA is closed most of next week, so it would be back and forth to NJ. I have driven nearly 300 miles since Saturday morning just going to appointments.....

In other news, my dosage of progesterone has been reduced to 200 mg twice a day. I am praying that this will help the boobs feel better.

Still waking up in the middle of the night which makes for a very long day. I am going to sincerely enjoy this Wednesday and Thursday since I am off of work. I could use the time to relax.

Dr. A told me that she had a good feeling about this pregnancy but given my history, I am no to lift or carry anything over 15 lbs, and my pregnancy must be "protected". A lot of that is me just making the decision at work that I cannot do certain things anymore. It is so hard for me. I am so used to running around and going 90 miles an hour. It is going to be a real challenge for me to turn over things to my co-workers.