Thursday, July 26, 2007

And the beat goes on

I've made it to five months. This is officially my longest pregnancy to date. The kids are doing well and growing like crazy. I could, however, do without the 3 am "Rumblefest". It is nuts!!! I end of rolling from my left to right side and neither one of them are happy about it. Yesterday, I was up at 3 am and decided to be nice to the hubby and let him sleep. He really appreciated it. I was totally wiped by the end of the day and nearly missed my favorite TV show "Rescue Me". I was never really a big Denis Leary fan before the show, but now I just love him.

Mom and Dad are off on vacation to Old Orchard Beach in Maine. We were hoping to join them but a 12 hour drive is not recommended or well tolerated. Maybe next year.

The reality that the kids will be here in four months is starting to set in. The other reality that I will be turning 33 years old is also setting in. We are trying to work out arrangements to get the crib from Mom and Dad but they are being transferred AGAIN this month and will now be nearly 7 hours away instead of just 5 hours. I am bummed about that. I really want our kids to know their Grandparents. Hubby's family is all out in North Dakota and his Dad is not doing well. We will try to get out there sometime in the spring or summer. No way am I dragging two infants to North Dakota in the dead of winter.....

So, the hum drum continues.