Saturday, March 31, 2007


Well, So far so good. Apart from going to bed really early and waking back up between 4 and 5 am, I am hanging in there.

The cramping seems to have subsided some.

I am on day 24 overall and 7dp3dt.

Boobs are still killing me and my RE's office has increased my progesterone to 400 mg in the AM and 400 mg in the PM. (this is NOT helping the boobs, thatyouverymuch).Discovered the tanktop with built in bra is quite comfortable, more so that traditional over the shoulder boulder holder.

Trying to remain calm at work (but all the barking, meowing, and general mayhem makes it a challenge).

Lovely and supportive parents will arrive on Wednesday for Easter holiday, Thursday is BETA. Explained to mother on the phone last night that if negative beta, I would be going out and getting extremely drunk, regardless of their presence. (Mom and Dad are ministers....and you know what they say about those preacher's kids).

Wanted to thank everyone for their support thus far. I am a bit of a control freak and pretty high strung. If nothing else, my IF experience has given me a new appreciation for dealing with myself when I am not in control.

Still in complete awe that we have made it this far. Last month, AF showed up on CD23. I feel like I am over the hump (so to speak) and am feeling very positive right now.

Praying for all of my friends, wherever they are, that God gives them peace and wisdom and comfort as he has given me. I truly have some amazing people in my life and I don't know what I would do without them.


Peter said...

Good luck Thursday :)

Knock Me Up said...

I'm so relieved to hear you are in a better place today. Nice that your parents are coming for a visit -- helps with the distraction. Holding my breath for Thursday for you and Friday for me. We can make it.

Becks said...

Sounds like things are finally going well for you, I'm really pleased for you. Good luck for the BETA on Thursday - my thoughts will be with you. Becks