Thursday, March 29, 2007

Growing Concern

Not sure if it is just in my head or what. I am feeling tired and crampy and by boobs are still killing me. It seems alot like AF is on her way. I am really scared that our 3 little embryos are not going to make it. I broke down and POAS it is was BFN. I just don't know what to do. Feeling very down right now. It has just been such a long road, I thought that this would be it.... I mean, we had eggs, they fertilized, they thrived, they looked great. The get transferred back into me and boom.....I go in a week for my actual beta, I just have this feeling that the trip will be unnecessary. any thoughts?


Becks said...

I'm too new to this game to give you any advice, but one thing I have learned reading lots of blogs is that everyone's experience is different so don't give up hoping. My thoughts are with you. Becks

Knock Me Up said...

I think it's too early for POAS. You are what 5dp3dt? I think you are one day ahead of me. Try not to read anything into the "symptoms" they can mean anything at this stage in the game.
If the embies don't implant until day 6 or 7 then they only implanted on Tuesday or Wednesday--I mean that's just yesterday not long enough to have HCG coursing through the system in any real amounts.
Stay strong, it's not yet time to turn off the ligts and leave the office on this one.

Anonymous said...

I think it's too early too! Still crossing everything that you get a healthy baby or three! :)