Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Egg Retrieval, Take 2

Well, after changing protocols from Bravelle to Gonal-F, we have 18 follicles and did our HCG trigger at 11:45 last night.

We are scheduled to have the egg retrieval done tomorrow morning. Considering last try, we only had 2 mature follicles and 2 immature follicles, 18 is a giant jump. I am trying to think positively about this but not get my hopes up too much because anything can happen.

The nurse who called from the Super RE's office last night asked something that really stuck in my mind:

If you spontaneously ovulate, will you be willing to do an IUI?

hmmm....with 18 follicles, even if they not all winners, in my tubes and introduce a gazillion sperm...hmmm, what would I do with 8+ embryos. Well, that is the kicker....would I be willing to do selective embryo reduction, knowing that doing so could jeopardize the remaining embryos? I don't think so.

If I were to "spontaneously" ovulate, that tells me that my super RE is not managing my care very well. We have done EVERYTHING according to what they have instructed. How could that happen?

And I wonder why no one asked us that LAST MONTH, when we did our first IVF? The nurse could not answer that.

Anyway, doing my best to remain calm. Hubby is taking tomorrow off (you should think so) and I will do my best to go back to work on Friday. Saturday, barring any unexpected duds, we should be implanting embryos.

And the wait begins.......


andi said...

Wishing you lots of luck.